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[Article] 35 Years of Zelda: A Legend Saga

35 Years of Zelda: A Saga of Legend

Today , February 21, 2021 is a big day, a special moment for many people. The Legend of Zelda video game saga turns 35 . A work that started on the NES back in 1986 thanks to the illusion of some Japanese creatives and that today, 35 years later, has reached millions of people around the world.

In this article we are going to analyze their games, we are also going to make predictions about what the future of the series holds , beyond the past Nintendo Direct where Skyward Sword HD was announced for Nintendo Switch. And, above all, we are going to celebrate this important date as any fan would do .

The beginning

Shigeru Miyamoto was born in Sonobe, a small town near Kyoto. Since his popularization as a figure in the industry, he always talks about his childhood and how it served as a great inspiration to create some of his great works. The Legend of Zelda was one of them and it was born from that, from the illusion of a child who simply explored and went on an adventure in the mountains that he had near his hometown.

With this I want to emphasize what is the essence of this saga, exploration, feeling of adventure, freedom. Obviously, the sagas evolve and more after almost four decades. The developers change, the technical capacities also and the currents within the industry. But deep down, Zelda always symbolized the same thing.

The first title of the saga laid all the foundations that we know today : the trio that make up Link, Zelda and Ganon, the triforce, the use of items and, as I mentioned before, exploration. With the passing of the games and especially as a result of the arrival of A Link to The Past, this concept was refined in a much more precise way and the skeleton of the saga was formed. A scheme that is perpetuated during games, but surprisingly still works, why?

Where does success lie of the saga?

There is not a single reason that explains this, but an amalgam of many. The revolutionary concept that he raised in the beginning, the excellent visual and sound section (artistic, in short) that has always accompanied the saga, having striking and clear figures on which to feel reflected … A set of many pros that have been known carry over several generations, in part, because of the feeling that comes from playing a franchise title.

many (including myself) makes us feel like we are children again, makes us feel like heroes for once, invites us to explore and live experiences , know other cultures, learn. This feeling that is difficult to explain if it is not lived, is something that is often attached to Nintendo, that magic that never seems to lose its titles. Always using the same elements makes, in part, everything feel the same, familiar.

These feelings, added to the excellent quality (objectively speaking) of their titles, make The Legend of Zelda saga one of the most iconic and relevant in the entire video game industry.


As I said before, the saga has to evolve and change formalities that have been written since its beginning. This is something that the heads of the franchise today: Eiji Aonuma and Hidemaro Fujibayashi know perfectly, you just have to play Breath of the Wild to realize that something changed. Zelda picked up much more prominence than in previous editions, the open world (something that Aonuma wanted since Wind Waker) was fully established and above all and the most important in the words of its producer and director: it was possible to maintain the essence of the saga by reinventing everything else .

The sense of adventure and exploration was maintained and carried to the maximum exponent, but many other conventions of the saga changed. Something that we can be happy about and we can only be excited about the highly anticipated second part.

35th Anniversary

Last Wednesday we had a very interesting Nintendo Direct in which Zelda was not absent. The announcement of Skyward Sword HD for July of this year, some joy-cons Themed themes of Zelda and the appearance of Aonuma to emphasize that the development of Breath of the Wild 2 continues its course and that it hopes to show more information during this year were the brushstrokes we had. But, and at no time during the streaming was the 35th anniversary mentioned. This raises doubts and opens a range of possibilities:

  • Will there be nothing else? It would be surprising and more considering the close precedent of Super Mario and that Zelda is (after the plumber) the largest franchise in the company.
  • A Zelda Direct where they announce more news among which is the rumored Zelda Anthology where titles such as Twilight Princess, Wind Waker and who knows if something else could presumably arrive.
  • These are the two options that are currently presented, I would ask you to comment in the comments your wishes or predictions about what you think will end up happening during this year.


    M Beyond this 35th Anniversary and the possibility of Nintendo doing something special to commemorate it, we have the future of the saga itself. Relatively recently, a surprising news story came out in which Grezzo was looking for employees for a new title . It should be remembered that this study is strongly linked to Nintendo and the triforce saga in particular, since they were in charge of making the remakes for Nintendo 3DS of Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask and most recently the adaptation of Link’s Awakening for Nintendo Switch . Rumors about another re-adaptation of a classic title in the series have not been long in coming. The Oracle of Game Boy, the Minish Cap of Advance, the own A Link to the Past of Super Nintendo … The list is endless.

    And on the other hand we have the one that is the main line of development and the one that is carried out by Nintendo itself . A line that as we know today is more than immersed in the development of the sequel to Zelda Breath of the Wild . Title announced at E3 2019, but we haven’t heard from since. The only related thing is the release in November of last year of its sequel: Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity developed by KOEI Tecmo.

    A Lack of Aonuma and Nintendo to reveal more of BOTW 2 and to know what Grezzo’s project is, we can take it as reliable, since it would obey what has been the norm within the saga for many years. Divide the development line into 3D games and into 2D minor games.

    Be that as it may, from Nintenderos we will notify you of all the news and news that happen to the saga The Legend of Zelda and we can only ask you to comment what you want about this wonderful saga in the comments of this post. For another 35 more years of little heroes saving Hyrule!

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    Adrian Ovalle
    Adrian Ovalle
    Adrian is working as the Editor at World Weekly News. He tries to provide our readers with the fastest news from all around the world before anywhere else.

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