List of 10 other small changes between the Wii U and Nintendo Switch versions of Super Mario 3D World
Coming directly from YouTube we get a new and interesting video of one of the most prominent games of the moment among users who often play Nintendo Switch. It’s about Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury .
After knowing 10 small changes a few days ago compared to the Wii U version, now they have shared other 10 minor modifications in this port of Nintendo Switch. They are as follows:
- 1. On Wii U, characters walking through shallow water were floating, while on Switch they walk on the bottom and the camera does not follow them
- two. Characters throw snowballs farther on Switch
- 3. On Switch, characters take longer to slide with their butt when sliding down slopes
- 4. Fireballs have a slightly different angle on Switch
- 5. Jumping from the top of the trees without touching the motion levers is somewhat shorter on Switch
- 6. On Switch, when you are in a feline state you can dive for a longer time
- 7. On Switch you have more time to jump higher right after doing a bomb jump
- 8. On Wii U it was necessary to return to the map first if you wanted to restart a level, while on Switch you can restart it within the level itself
- 9. In Switch, the character slides down the wall to make wall jump if you are near a wall even if you do not touch the joystick, something that did not happen in Wii U unless you directed the joystick towards the wall
- 10. Scratch attack when underwater feline state has been redesigned
Here you have the short:
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