HomeEntertainmentRespecting Two Key Elements of One Piece in the Live-Action: Stories and...

Respecting Two Key Elements of One Piece in the Live-Action: Stories and Powers

Two Important Elements of One Piece to be Respected in the Live-Action

There are two crucial aspects of the One Piece universe that will be honored in the upcoming live-action series. Showrunner Matt Owens revealed the guidelines set by the author of the original manga, Eiichiro Oda. During the release of new information about the Netflix series by production studio Shueisha, it was announced that the stories of the Straw Hats crew members will be preserved. The reason behind this decision is that their stories are essential in understanding their identities, dreams, and motivations as individuals.

The second element that will be respected is the powers possessed by the characters. Matt Owens acknowledges the concerns of fans and ensures that these powers will be faithfully depicted in the adaptation.

These announcements aim to alleviate worries that One Piece fans have had since the Netflix series was first announced.

An Author Involved in the Adaptation

The upcoming One Piece series on Netflix is an adaptation of Eiichiro Oda’s renowned manga. The announcement of this TV show sparked a wave of reactions among fans, given the manga’s monumental status. Understandably, there has been a lot of concern surrounding this project among readers. To reassure the fans, Oda has been actively involved in the live-action adaptation. He has been providing updates on his level of involvement in the project.

Oda even requested reshoots for numerous scenes, expressing his desire for perfection and ensuring that the final product is of the highest quality. This dedication from the mangaka is a testament to his commitment to delivering a faithful and satisfying adaptation.

The first season of the live-action One Piece will consist of eight episodes and will cover the events up to the Arlong arc. The trailers have already introduced many characters, including the main Mugiwara members such as Luffy (Inaki Godoy), Zoro (Mackenyu), Nami (Emily Rudd), Sanji (Taz Skylar), and Usopp (Jacob Gibson). Fans can look forward to joining Luffy’s adventures in live action starting from August 31, 2023, exclusively on Netflix.

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