In a statement issued after the shootout, IGB identified Kashmir one of The three murdered gunmen are named after Arif Hazar, known as Deputy Rehan of Al-Basit, a senior Lashkar-e-Taiba police chief involved in the attack, said in the kill of Fit Parvez in front of of Mosque in Nowgam Srinagar, S.I. Arshid Ahmed and A mobile shop owner in downtown.
Aref Hazar @ Rehan Al MP of Kamdar Basit, the leader of Lashkar-e-Taiba, was killed in Pulwama Encounter. concerned in the kill of Fit Parvez in front of of Mosque, Si Arshid and 1 mobile shop owner in downtown. Several FIRs against for him in Sgt city. Identify of AGB Kashmir said other terrorists had not yet done so.