HomeTechnologyWhatsapp: This happens if you do not accept the new terms of...

Whatsapp: This happens if you do not accept the new terms of use

Whatsapp adheres to new terms of use. (Photo: Konstantin Egorychev / Shutterstock.com)

Facebook subsidiary Whatsapp continues to try to allay users’ concerns about the new terms of use. It is now clear what happens to those who do not accept it.

At the beginning of the year Whatsapp attempted in a rash action to ultimately enforce new terms of use against its global user base. You should now have until February 8th to accept the conditions in order to continue using the app.

Whatsapp starts a new attempt to explain

This created an unprecedented counter-pressure, which was expressed in protests and massive emigration to other messengers such as Threema or Signal. Since then Whatsapp has tried to limit the damage and tries to explain itself.

Just on Friday we received a new press release that wanted to inform us that Whatsapp now wants to show its users the following banner via the messenger function status until May 15th:

Whatsapp tries again. (Source: Whatsapp)

The – together with the new explanation page on the web – should now make it unmistakably clear that Whatsapp is in Basically just introducing an improved way for companies to get in touch with Whatsapp users and do business with them. Otherwise, Whatsapp assures not to change anything in terms of data protection – especially end-to-end encryption – and not to share contacts with Facebook.

Of course, the question may be asked why the users then absolutely and above all without exception have to agree to new conditions. Even people who do not intend to communicate in any way with companies via Whatsapp are ultimately forced by the mandatory consent if they want to continue using Whatsapp. That could have been solved more elegantly.

Whatsapp do not throw you out

Techcrunch has now asked what actually happens if users do not give their consent by May 15th. An FAQ entry gives a relatively sparse answer: “You will receive calls and notifications for a short time, but you can neither read nor send messages in the app.”

When asked by Techcrunch, the term “short time” should be interpreted as “a few weeks”. Accounts should still be deleted according to the previous rules, i.e. after 120 days of inactivity.

Look, we have messages for you

Specifically, this would mean that WhatsApp does not switch off the accounts of those who do not agree, but Initially continues to deliver calls and notifications. Otherwise, however, the app can no longer be used.

Whatsapp users would have afterwards during the period of inactivity, i.e. from May 15th, if consent was not given theoretically 120 days to reactivate your account. It seems unlikely that calls and notifications will be delivered for as long.

In any case, this approach no longer sounds as uncompromising as initially communicated. Whatsapp probably relies on peer pressure. If you can still be called and are informed about new messages, you could still give in and agree to the new conditions.

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Tyler Hromadka
Tyler Hromadka
Tyler is working as the Author at World Weekly News. He has a love for writing and have been writing for a few years now as a free-lancer.

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