WhatsApp for Android Crashes Due to Seemingly Normal Message
The WhatsApp instant messaging app on Android suddenly crashes when a seemingly normal message is sent to users through the app.
The Message
In detail, security researcher Pandya Mayor stated on Twitter that the message that causes the application to crash contains the link http://w.me/settings.
Message Warning
Do not send this message (https://t.co/wKuoDv7bMr) anyone chat.otherwise whatsapp will crash(only happened in android) if already send it than use whatsapp web or desktop app to remove it.@whatsapp @Meta #whatsappcrash
#wamesettings #meta #error rice.twitter.com/y0QATSWHiO– PandyaMayur (@pandyaMayur11) May 25, 2023
The Effect of the Message
And if that particular message is sent to any of the WhatsApp users on Android, the app will crash for the user who received the message, according to the Arabic tech news portal.
Version Affected
The messages also indicate that the version of WhatsApp for Android affected by the message is numbered
Link Details
It’s worth noting that the above link is a natural link, not an amalgam, and usually takes the user directly to the app’s settings.
The Bug
But for some unknown reason, the Android version of WhatsApp has a bug that causes the app to crash when opening any conversation that contains a link.
Dealing with the Message
The message will cause the app to collapse every time you open the conversation that contains it, so if this message is sent to any user, just don’t open the conversation that contains the message and the app will continue to run normally and may erase that entire conversation from the app without opening it.
Using WhatsApp from a Computer
In the event that the app is permanently unable to use the app on the phone due to a message, the user will have to open a WhatsApp account from a computer, delete the message from it, and then resume using the app on Android again.
WhatsApp – The Most Popular Messaging App
WhatsApp is reportedly the world’s most popular messaging app with over two billion users worldwide, followed by China’s WeChat app with around 1.2 billion users, then Facebook Messenger app with nearly a billion users.
Please note that WhatsApp and Messenger applications are owned by the American company Meta.
An update is expected to be released soon to resolve the issue.