These are the research tasks and exclusive rewards of the Pokémon GO In Search of Legends event
As all the players of Pokémon GO know, Niantic detailed earlier this month of March the In Search of Legends event , which will take place from Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. to Sunday, March 14, 2021 at 8:00 (local time).
Well, this time they have shared what are the Research tasks and rewards exclusive to that event . We leave them all below:
Task 1
- Take a picture of a Ground-type Pokémon
- 300 Stardust
- 8 Poké Balls
Total reward: Nosepass encounter and 100 XP
Task 2
- Use three Latano berries while catching Pokémon
- Encounter with Magnemite
- Use three Razz berries while catching Pokémon
- Encounter with Magnemite
- Use three Pinia berries while catching Pokémon
- Encounter with Magnemite
Total reward: Nosepass encounter and 200 XP
Task 3
- Take a photo of a Rock-type Pokémon
- 300 Stardust
- Catch 10 Rock-type Pokémon
- 8 Poké Balls
Total reward: Nosepass encounter and 300 XP
Task 4
- Defeat a Team GO Rocket enemy
- Encounter with Galar’s Stunfisk
Total reward: Nosepass encounter and 400 XP
Task 5
- Take a photo of a Steel-type Pokémon
- 300 Stardust
- Catch 10 Pokémon from Steel type
- 8 Poké Balls
Total reward: Nosepass encounter and 500 XP
Task 6
- Make three curveball throws
Meeting with Baltoy
- Encounter with Forretress
- Encounter with Ferroseed
Total reward: Nosepass encounter and 600 XP
Task 7
- Use An Incense
- Encounter with Shieldon
- Catch 45 Steel-type Pokémon
- One Silver Pinia Berry
Total Reward: Nosepass Encounter, 700 XP, and a Module Magnetic Attraction
Exclusive investigation for the event
- Catch five Rock-type Pokémon
- Encounter with Roggenrola
- Catch five Steel-type Pokémon
- Meeting with Nosepass
- Win a candy walking with your friend
- Meeting with Nosepass
- Boost the five Pokémon times
- Encounter with Nosepass
What do you think?