HomeTechnologyThe public wipe application arrives

The public wipe application arrives

The National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH) will provide the technical background for the provision of an application to make the data permanently inaccessible.

The planned free public service In accordance with the Government Decree on the application of data erasure, NMHH is currently working on the availability of a user-friendly, secure program that meets the parameters set out in the legislation by 1 May, can be activated – by downloading and using erasure software

After the erasure, the consumer will receive an official erasure certificate by e-mail in accordance with the Government Decree

to provide instructions for the use of the application and to produce and record labels containing the codes required for erasure, which the purchaser purchases on the medium

The communications authority will deliver the labels to the government office in the capital, which will allow them to reach the traders through the district offices.

The European Union’s data protection regulation enshrines the right to delete personal data, which is facilitated by the service envisaged by the government decree.

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Sandra Loyd
Sandra Loyd
Sandra is the Reporter working for World Weekly News. She loves to learn about the latest news from all around the world and share it with our readers.

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