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One of the largest, connected open air spaces in Europe was created with a Hungarian solution

One of the largest contiguous open airspaces in Europe, through which aircraft can pass on the shortest route every day of the week and 24 hours a day without restrictions.

The introduction of free use of airspace in Hungary in 2015 was made possible by the modernization of HungaroControl’s MATIAS air traffic control system. SEE FRA (South East Europe Free Route Airspace) has been created, in which airlines can operate their flights on the most favorable, freely chosen route “- informed HungaroControl Communications Agency Computerworld.hu

At HungaroControl, air traffic controllers perform their duties with the help of the most advanced technical devices and technologies. Hungarian controllers organize the air traffic of Hungary with the help of the world-class control and information system, MATIAS (Hungarian Automated and Integrated ATC System), developed from the market-leading navigation software of Europe. The tasks of the integrated automated air traffic control solution include, inter alia, the processing of radar data and flight plan data and the display of information to operational users (air traffic controllers, etc.) and the provision of surveillance and management capabilities to technical staff.

Moldova, Poland and Lithuania are also scheduled to join in February 2022, allowing flights to run freely from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea. “ The continuous development of the software used by the Hungarian air traffic service creates an opportunity for other countries to join the SEE FRA – the necessary navigation point database can be expanded accordingly ” – our newspaper was informed. .

As part of the SEE FRA, an innovative, modular concept has also been proposed by the experts of the Hungarian air traffic service, which makes the further expansion of the cooperation more efficient. The essence of this is that, instead of huge route databases, it is enough for the managers of neighboring countries to share a few pre-defined navigation points for route planning.

Based on pre-coronavirus traffic, The distance traveled by flights can be reduced by millions of miles in a year, which also means ten thousand tonnes less fuel consumption and a significant reduction in emissions.

The environmental results of the free airspace use process developed by HungaroControl and its high added value has also been recognized by the European Quality Organization. The project, which is the national winner of the 2020 Quality Innovation Award, was also selected as one of the best developments by the professional jury in the international phase of the competition.

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Sandra Loyd
Sandra Loyd
Sandra is the Reporter working for World Weekly News. She loves to learn about the latest news from all around the world and share it with our readers.

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