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Maschmeyer memes and Mr. Regal: These are DHDL's running gags

More than 500 startups have presented their ideas to the Löwen jury since the format began. (Photo: RTL / Bernd-Michael Maurer)

With balloons , Confetti and sparkling wine, the Löwen jury celebrated the anniversary episode and the end of the season, and the Twitter community also commented diligently. On August 19, 2014, “Die Höhle der Löwen” was launched at Vox for the first time, and since then over 500 startups have presented their ideas. Some took off after their deals, others quietly disappeared from the scene – and still others resigned with a tangible scandal. We reviewed the 100 episodes and analyzed the most striking features of the show.

1. DHDL standard pitches: food, apps and soap

Sure, in a format in which young companies introduce themselves , one or the other idea and presentation can be similar. After all, all founders are convinced of their idea, want to convey who they are in a compact and understandable way, and hope for a deal in the end.

Especially with teams, however, the pitch often starts with one well-known sentence: “Hello dear lions! We are X, Y and Z, and together we are… “You can’t go too far wrong with that – the DHDL audience should probably be able to speak the phrase in front of the receiver.

There are also recurring constants in the programs when it comes to the alignment of the startups. A DHDL episode without a food startup? Hard to imagine! But an app and a household appliance are also part of the classic pitch portfolio – and after season 10 at the latest, the jury’s hands should be sparkling clean thanks to various soap and hygiene products.

2. Ralf Dümmel: Every deal is pure thrill

Investor Ralf Dümmel has – despite some flop investments such as “Pinky Gloves” – gathered some fans in the Twitter community, he is also eagerly commenting on the program on the platform. And even if he’s been part of the show since 2016, the negotiations seem to demand a lot from him every time.

Nervous hands, clenched fists, beads of sweat on the forehead and a tense facial expression, if the founders, for example, withdraw to advice when there are multiple offers: Dümmel, who has nicknames like “Regale-Ralf” and “Mr. Regal ”is excited. If it then “dummied”, he is correspondingly happy. If, on the other hand, the deal goes to someone else, you can clearly see the disappointment in the man with the colorful suit collection, but he is not a bad loser.

3. “Die Höhle der Löwen” – creative use of commercial breaks

Anyone who follows DHDL in the TV broadcast of VOX has time for other things between the pitches – sometimes even between negotiation and decision. The commercial breaks during the broadcast allow you to go to the toilet, go to the fridge or brainstorm your own startup without any time pressure. Some also use the interruptions to vent their anger about it.

4. Carsten Maschmeyer as a meme template

In the course of time every lioness and every lion has received a certain reputation from the DHDL audience. For example, when it comes to family businesses or the placement of products in hotels, ex-politics erin Dagmar Wöhrl contact number 1, when it comes to technology startups or apps, ex-Leo Frank Thelen is often conjured up. His successor Nico Rosberg, on the other hand, is known for the fact that he rarely enters into a deal.

Financial entrepreneur Carsten Maschmeyer, however, is a popular meme item, mainly because of his fortune and his wife Veronica Ferres – Twitter community regularly uses this as a template.

5. Pitch criticism based on the sandwich principle

A classic DHDL moment: after the end of the pitch, the lions ask questions and exchange ideas with the founders. When it comes to making offers or canceling the deal, the jury members often have a sandwich of criticism: Great lecture, good idea, but because points X and Y do not fit, they unfortunately do not want to enter into a deal . But really, an excellent idea, and we wish the founders a lot of success inside. Alternatively: Convincing lecture, but unfortunately still this and that critical gap in the concept. That could of course be closed with a lion investment, accordingly one wants to offer a deal.

Depending on the pitch or business idea, the outcome of the criticism can be more or less predicted, but there are surprises but again and again – and so many viewers will follow the next season “Die Höhle der Löwen” again with excitement despite the well-known quirks.

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