A new supercomputer based on Dell Technologies Japan technology is being developed at the Yukawa Theoretical Physics Research Institute at Kyoto University. The Yukawa-21 is based on Dell EMC PowerEdge servers and has a peak performance of 1.3 PFLOPS, which is 3.8 times that of its previous system. ations Per Second, in English “ floating point operations per second”; this gy petaFLOPS, ie PFLOPS per second 10 a 15 means a point-and-click operation.)
The Yukawa-21 includes 135 PowerEdge R840 servers: the CPU of the servers is 2nd generation Intel Xeon processors, an Nvidia V100 Tensor Core GPU graphics chip, and Dell EMC PowerSwitch Z9332F provide data connectivity
The new supercomputer will primarily support the research institute’s particle and astrophysics research, but Kyoto is planned. In addition to the staff of the University of., he will also serve other theoretical physicists in the country, who will benefit from the unparalleled knowledge system.
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