Fortnite officially details the arrival of The Flash
We get a interesting message related to one of the most prominent games in the Nintendo Switch catalog. We are talking in this case about Fortnite .
In the text that we leave you below, we can see the official announcement of The Flash as a new skin, including details on how to get hold of it . Here it is:
The one and only Scarlet Runner has traveled from the multiverse of DC to Zero Point to reach the island and bring the force of speed to Fortnite. Starting Sunday, February 14 at 01:00 CET, the Flash outfit will light up the Item Shop along with the rest of the Flash outfit!
Flash set includes:
- The Flash Suit : Enter the battle as Barry Allen.
- Peak Blades of Speed Force : with this dual peak lightning bolt, two lightning bolts will hit your opponents.
- The Force of Speed Backpacking Accessory : Wear the Flash’s electrified emblem.
- The Quick Snack gesture: a quick rest doesn’t hurt anyone.
These objects will be available individually or as part of the Flash bundle, Which also includes a Flash-themed loading screen!
Do you want to get Flash … faster?
On February 10 we will honor Flash in Fortnite with the Flash Cup, a duos tournament. Blast into the Battle Bus with your duo partner and play up to 10 matches in a 3 hour period. The best duos from each region will unlock the Flash Outfit and the Speed Force Backpacking Accessory before they hit the Item Shop!
You can find the specific times for each region in the Compete tab of the game. Players must have an account level 30 or higher and have two-factor authentication enabled. For all the details, such as how many points each place in the rankings awards, check the official rules of the Flash Cup.
Be the most Quick to join the hunt like Flash!
What do you think? If you are interested, you can take a look at our full coverage of the title at this link.