Newsletter are still very popular. Now corporations are planning to turn out capital. (Image: Facebook)
After Twitter took over the newsletter provider Revue, Facebook chose a different way to get into the business. According to the New York Times, tools for writers and journalists are being developed. The software is designed to help build followers on Facebook, manage email lists and offer paid subscriptions.
The market is booming
Anyone who thinks that e-mail newsletters are a little out of place Time gone wrong. Based on the startup Substack, you can see that both free and paid emails are very popular. 250,000 paying subscribers and annual sales of around seven million US dollars speak for themselves. The company earns its money with the share of the subscription fees that the authors collect with their mailings. The Revue service, which Twitter bought out this week, followed a similar business model.
Facebook is looking for new opportunities in terms of news
Now Mark Zuckerberg is said to have personally noticed the trend and urged his team to make the project a priority. The “Facebook Journalism Project” was originally working to support journalists in getting more serious news onto the platform with the small “f”. Most recently, they pledged to donate $ 100 million to the ailing local press. Campbell Brown, the director of global news partnerships, commented on the developments: “We want more run to support the independent journalists and experts who are building businesses and audiences online. We’re looking for ways they can benefit from the news products we’ve built like Facebook News and Subscriptions, while developing new tools to complement what journalists are already finding useful, ”he told the New York Times.
It remains unclear what stage the project is at. There is neither an official status nor a release date. Allegedly, Facebook will present it to the public this summer.