Saudi Tadawul announces 6 new improvements to develop trading services infrastructure
Saudi Tadawul’s ongoing efforts to develop infrastructure for trading services
Saudi Tadawul has announced the completion of 6 new improvements as part of its ongoing efforts to develop infrastructure for trading services in the Saudi financial market.
New enhancements provide market participants with enhanced trading services
Today’s announcement states that the new enhancements provide market participants with a set of enhanced trading services in addition to finer structural improvements to improve the efficiency and attractiveness of the market.
New improvements include cancelling regular trades and changing closing price calculation
She added that the new improvements include canceling regular trades in the main market, changing the mechanism for calculating the closing price of debt instruments and exchange funds by calculating the average price, canceling orders when the connection is disconnected, a price request service for contractual transactions, a client execution copy service, and as well as a number of structural improvements aimed at developing the market for debt instruments.
Improvements will strengthen market infrastructure and increase efficiency
She pointed out that the improvements will help to strengthen the market infrastructure, increase its efficiency and improve trading mechanisms, as part of the extensive efforts undertaken by the Saudi company Tadawul to strengthen its position as an investment gateway in the Middle East and North Africa region.