As of 18:45 on Monday, more over 210,000 were without power in Southeast Michigan, according to DTE Energy. It’s almost 11% of all service area without power.
More than 160,000 Consumers Energy customers were left without power in Western and Middle Michigan.
Stay at least 20 feet away from the downed power lines and everything they in contact with including puddles of water and fences. Keep children and pets too.
Be extremely careful near metal fencesthat conduct electricity after a violent storm. Electric current will be strongest where he is downed power the line touches the metal fence. Even a connecting fence several yards away can be live and dangerous.
Never cross yellow barrier tape. It might get knocked down power lines.
Never drive through downed power lines. If a power the line is falling on your vehicle, remain inside your car before the emergency help arrives.
Cable or telephone lines may be live if they are in contact with electrical lines. Contact with any energized power line could be fatal.
Never use portable generator inside home or business. It emits carbon monoxide, which can be deadly. Leave it outside, away from windows and doors, so the fume won’t come in.