A 7-year- old Louisiana girl torn to pieces death a neighbor’s pit bull who ran into her family’s yard, authorities said.
Sadie Davila was playing outside East Baton Rouge Parish home at 6:30 pm on Friday when dog crashed into property and “violently attacked her”, according to arrest documents received by the lawyer.
AND family member tried to protect off in dog hitting him with cane, but the animal was unstoppable.
firstThe student was taken to the hospital with some dog bites her face and severe skull damage. She later died from her injuries, police said.
“My baby. She is only 7 years old. My mini me. light in my heart. Words don’t exist for what is this feeling. My family destroyed. Please pray for us. Pray they press charges on the dog owners and keep them responsible Sadie mother Hailey Anselmo, wrote on Facebook.
“R.I.P. my sweet Sadie Elizabeth, age 7, taken from us in the most cruel way. world it’s cruel place. You were light in my heart”, her father, Mikey Davila, wrote in instagram story.
Sadie’s school, Woodlawn Elementary School, remembered her as young blooming girl in in
dawn of her life.”
Sadie was fierce and passionate, but she was also gentle and kind,” said her teacher, Grace Feucht. in statement. “She brought energy and joy to my class every time she set foot in Door. She was fearless and sang her heart out in front of her classmates.”
Investigators found in dog after the incident with blood around him face and mouth, the sworn letter says. “essential” amount of the blood was found in Sadie yard.

dog was sedated at night of in killingcity animal control director the Advocate said.
dog owner, Eric Lopez, told officers that he was not home in time attack and regularly allows dog roam the neighborhood uncontrollably. 20-year-old home about 150 yards The place where Sadie was killed is not surrounded by a gate or a fence, according to the documents.
Lopez was charged on Saturday with negligent homicide for inability to restrain or restrain the animal.