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HomeWorldIndiaIndia and Pakistan renew their promise resolve Issues arising from cross-border water...

India and Pakistan renew their promise resolve Issues arising from cross-border water sharing | India latest news

New Delhi: India and Pakistan on Tuesday they reiterated their commitment to resolve Participation related issues of waters of Transboundary Rivers Through Discussions Under the Indus Water Treaty of 1960 against the background of The strained relations between the two sides.

Session 118 of The Permanent Indus Committee (PIC), which is made up of the Indus Commissioners of India and Pakistan held in New Delhi during the period from 30 to 31 May. The Indus Waters Treaty, brokered by the World Bank, is one of The most enduring agreement between the two countries It has survived many ups and downs in Bilateral relations.

The pic “appreciates the commitment of On the two sides to interact frequently and resolve issues through bilateral discussions under the Indus Water Treaty,” according to the Foreign Ministry affairs Ministry. She said the meeting took place in “in a friendly way”.

A statement issued by the Pakistani Foreign Ministry said broad range of Water-related issues were discussed, including prior participation of flood information And the program of tours and inspection.

“Pakistan also His most prominent objections on Hydropower projects in India on Western rivers. Reply to Pakistan’s objections on Indian projects, including Pakal Dul, have been also Pakistani statement said.

Indians side Urged to contact in advance flood-flow information According to the provisions of Treaty and practice in Vogue from 1989 to 2018, the statement added.

According to the statement of India, Pakistan side He said he would arrange tours And post inspections next flood season. Indians side also He said that the pending Pakistani objections will be discussed in next The meeting as India is still in the operation of The statement checked the details.

Annual report pic for The year the end on It was completed March 31, 2022 and signed. Both sides agreed to hold a pic next Meeting in Pakistan on Suitable dates for both parties.

The Indian delegation was headed by the Indian Commissioner AK Pal for Indus River waters and the Pakistani delegation headed by Syed Muhammad Mehar Ali Shah, the Pakistani commissioner.

under the provisions of of Indus Water Treaty, the meeting is held alternately in Pakistan and India annually.


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Sallie Anderson
Sallie Anderson
Sallie works as the Writer at World Weekly News. She likes to write about the latest trends going on in our world and share it with our readers.

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