body of human who picked up a frisbee from Florida public lake in the park serving as a habitat for alligators were found with his arm is torn off on On Tuesday, the authorities said. it was the state first fatal alligator attack since 2019.
The episode took place on a 53-acre lake. in John S. Taylor Park of Largo, Florida, official representative for This was reported at the Largo Police Department. She is added that the police believed “an alligator was involved” in in death.
press secretary of The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission only identified the victim as 47-year-old man.
The man was a “transitioner” who made make a living selling frisbees people who played disc golf on a course that runs parallel to the lake, and “he died as result of alligator Attack Paul Cozzie, director of Parks and reserves in Pinellas County, said in telephone interview.
“Looks like he went in before the opening of the park – unfortunately, not good it’s time to be in any lake, but especially during alligator mating season,” said Mr Cozzie, calling it decision “a mistake which seems to have cost him his life.”
Somebody who was in park around 8 am saw body on in bank of Lake with one of his hands were cut off, said Mr. Cozzie.
John S. Taylor Park features a disc golf course runs next to the lake. Park rangers confronted a man trying to enter the lake in April, said Mr. Cozzie, and was told that another attempt would result in him being banned from the park.
Local disc golfers avoid cheap supermarket frisbees and prefer specialized discs. designed to perform certain types of throws, making them equipment valuableMr Cozzy said. That man on Tuesday was not the same first a man attacked by an alligator while trying to retrieve discs for moneyhe said, adding that a couple of years ago a man was bitten in in face alligator in the same lake survived.
The lake is coming down six up to eight feet, Mr. Cozzie said, so you’ll have to on bottom” to find discs.
one hole in According to Mr. Cozzi, the disc golf course is 25 to 50 feet from the water. “Of course it would be wise for disc golf group look at the movement of the hole, – he added.
He described the lake as connected to other nearby bodies. of water, which makes it “almost like highway for alligators k move throughout the region.” There are signs warning people can’t get in, and even the park rangers can’t get through in lake, Mr Cozzie said.
In the mating season that takes place in May or June, the alligators become more aggressive and territorial, Mr. Cozzie said. alligators most active between dusk and dawn, according to the wildlife commission, which said in a news a message that the alligator hunter was sent to “kill the nearest alligator” after body was found.
this is more common for alligators to attack pets than that for them attack peopleMr Cozzy said. According to the Wildlife Conservation Commission, over in last 10 years was the average of eight “major” incidents of alligators bite people in Florida, leading up to four deaths total.
remains of 47-year-old woman who walked her dogs were found inside an alligator in 2018 and the alligator snatched 2-year-old man at Disney resort in 2016.
BUT population of about 1.3 million alligators can be found in “virtually all fresh and brackish water bodies” in state, wildlife commission says. group says that alligators are “naturally afraid of people”, but that feeding alligators, which is illegal, causes it’s dangerous to tie them up people with food.